Hafdis Huld General Sherman The culmination of a very busy week at the end of October (although I am so rarely not busy...) saw M and I back at the Old Cinema Launderette to see Icelandic singer Hafdis Huld . Partly booked because we couldn't get to see the ever amazing Ólöf Arnalds during her short October tour; and partly out of sheer curiosity. Even more so when I discovered the show was sold out! The evening started with an interesting set from Middlesbrough band General Sherman . Their first few songs reminded me a little of another Icelandic band, Amiina; lo-fi mellow meanderings. A few songs felt a little too ponderous, but overall positive. Carrying a tour wound (a broken finger) and accompanied by partner Alisdair, Hafdis sat on one of the washing machines and instantly wove a spell. She held the audience for the full length of her set with her witty manner - jokes, song introductions and more - as well as her songs. The aforesaid busy schedule precluded a...
The varied musings of a music maniac...